Breath deep the scents around you and enjoy them.  Your soul delights in smells.  Pleasant aromas make more than just your face smile, they make your spirit smile.

Extremes are usually unworthy paths to follow.  If a person sees himself thinking or acting in an extreme manner, he should reign himself back to the middle of the road – which is generally the good and upright path.  This is why God, in the Biblical chapter of Exodus, instructs Moses to find people who are not extremists to fairly judge his people. 

Some examples: 
You should not feel anger most of the time, nor should you mostly feel apathetic.  Anger is appropriate only when you can succeed in not repeating a hateful situation.  Apathy, on the other hand, solves nothing.  You leave results to others.
You should not be a glutton.  Better to simply eat – and enjoy – what you need to sustain your body.  Modest eating habits can frequently be found in the righteous.
You should not be overly miserly nor should you squander all your money.  Better to give to charity whenever you can, and lend appropriately to those in need.

If your demeanor generally gravitates toward the center, midway between extremes, you are wise.  Your human nature can push you toward extremes.  Don’t let it impact your spiritual center. 

Don’t ignore nor bury past events in your life which seem mortifying to you.  Those memories can be used to motivate you and to enhance your spiritual path.

A person does not become a criminal by thinking about committing a crime.  He becomes a criminal only if he acts on it and actually commits the crime.
Likewise, when you have a sinful thought you have not sinned.  A sin is defined as an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.  There is no repentance needed if you stumble in ethical or moral thought.  As long as you are strong enough to not act on your thought, the goodness in your soul will lift you up and you will be all the better for it.

You are a tree of vitality amid life’s desert.  Your canopy can bring shelter from what can sometimes seem like unbearable heat.  Your fruit can be taken for spiritual nourishment.

So what is around you to refresh your own soul?  Look to yourself.  There is strength in the leaves of spirituality that cover you.  As with trees, the more abundant your leaves the healthier you are.

Clothing in any form makes an implied statement.  It usually benefits the person doing the wearing.  If you have lots of clothes, good for you.  Wear them in good health, and may they make you feel special .

On the other hand, charity in any form makes an explicit statement.  It always benefits the person getting the receiving.  If you give of your time and resources, good for you.  With each act you wear heavenly robes of goodness, and you will feel joy.    

So if your wardrobe is less in quality or quantity than others, don’t feel badly.  Go out into the world feeling good about yourself, knowing you are wearing apparel which is blessed.  Just be sure to put on something else over it.  


If you have fewer expectations you will have a little less time for disappointment and a little more time for joy.

A situation can arise where you have the chance to do something you always wanted to do. You might think, “Wow, that’s great! I’m really busy today, but I’ll definitely do something about that first thing tomorrow.”

Opportunities can suddenly come your way, but they leave just as quickly. Tomorrow will soon become yesterday. Don’t regret your procrastination by looking back and thinking, “I had my chance and I blew it!”

When an opportunity comes where you can follow a dream, seize the moment and do something about it. Don’t make excuses. Don’t be afraid you might fail. You were given this life to make your spiritual imprint. Go for it. . . NOW!