In your spiritual realm there is an infinite level of growth and accomplishment you can attain.
Category Archives: Smiles
We are meant to pursue spirituality in our physical world. The rewards for this are different for each of us, so yours can only be internalized within you. As you have no concrete evidence of what will be, you cannot explain the rewards coming to another any more than you can explain colors to a blind person or sounds to someone who is deaf. But keep pursuing, as your rewards will certainly come to you.
Generously use materials for your soul made with tolerance and moderation. You will have fewer renovations to make.
Do you feel as if there is too much pressure on you these days? Welcome it. You are like coal. Handling a lot of pressure will turn you into a diamond.
Every action you take where you don’t think about what is in it for you, but only for how it will benefit someone or something else, will ultimately bring a gift to you. Each of those deeds will enhance your spiritual essence, as you will create greater harmony and joy in your world.
You shouldn’t harbor jealousy or envy. This feeling comes from self doubt. There is no reason to doubt yourself. You were born with special gifts, a combination which was given to no other. You know what they are. If they are lost, you can find them. Be content with who you are. Others may be envious of what you have.
To deny the existence of God, or a Higher Power if you prefer, is to deny you are the beneficiary of acts done on your behalf. To think you are not part of the One is stroking your ego. You are refusing to believe others – who are all part of the One – had a huge part in your good fortune, and contributed to your present state through a force greater than you alone.
Accept this truth and be grateful for what you have and who has given to you. Others may have more than you, but you have much to appreciate when you think about it. Don’t give credit only to yourself for that, just as you don’t credit yourself for not being born and left to die as an infant in an impoverished area of the third world.
Having spirituality works the same way as having a garden. It requires time, effort and nurturing in order to produce good results.
The soil can be compared to our soul. We start with the hardest work: Removing all the weeds. Then we must plant untainted seeds. We should also add healthy, soul uplifting nutrients. Every day or so we must check on its growth. We must keep it watered regularly to protect it from the scorching heat of lies and corruption. We must look for and remove the weeds of bad influences which want to take over our garden.
If we do this we will keep our spiritual garden healthy and thriving. Then we can realize and enjoy the harvest of the produce: Joy and nourishing self worth.
A continual challenge we face is choosing substance over appearance, as well as not being affected by thought control such as marketing or propaganda. When you want to say or do something, consider whether it will have an overall positive effect or whether it will just be superficial or might even produce bad karma. To be truly spiritual is to seek, or to be in synchronicity with, the essence which is in life and not with the appearance of things – as that may not be what is really there.
After my Dad died I felt I didn’t really appreciate him as much as I could have, and I felt regret. When someone close to you passes, don’t have that same feeling. Make the time to experience the minds and the spirit of your family and your friends. You will be enriched, and when one of those good souls passes on you will have more warm and cherished memories to hold on to and less regret to let go of.