Fast food, on line shopping, microwaves, no iron clothes. Many are believing that less time and effort equates to better living. So why are so many folks on antidepressants?  Partly because of low self esteem.

The fastest or easiest path doesn’t always make us better off. To be happy, feel good about yourself. Do what isn’t so easy: Make a meal from scratch, walk to a destination, put something together. Overcoming a challenge or difficult situation brings joy. You’ll like yourself, and you’ll look forward to living.

We are part of The Eternal in the same way fish are part of the seas. Just as the waters are all around aquatic life, The Omnipresent is all around us.  No matter what your situation, no matter what your belief system, The Energy Of The Universe is always with you. You are never, ever alone.

We all need a vacation these days. To take yours tomorrow, pick up a good book. It will take you to a destination you have never been to before.

We all make business decisions, business being defined as ‘matters to be attended to’ or ‘another person’s concerns’.

Your best business decisions put your life, or that of others, over money (not to say financial decisions are unimportant). One example is being with a family member when they need you instead of a customer or client when they need you.

Empathetic business decisions are tremendously meaningful to your soul. Make one and your spirit will radiate.

Oppose malevolent people. Fighting the evil-minded is not a sin. In fact, you’re sinning if you don’t.

You’ll have honor and self respect by standing up for what is good. When resisting the maleficent, have fortitude – you will overcome!

The only things you truly own are your spirituality and your good deeds. If you give either one up, which can only happen through YOUR choice, your life will lose it’s significance. If you never let them go you’ll experience great joy, and your life will be blessed.

When one loves or hates on an all-consuming level, all that matters at the time is to achieve the purpose of that intense emotion. So if you have an emotion of that intensity, be cautious!

But if your feeling is an all-consuming love for the Glorious One which radiates brighter than anything else, know you are blessed and luxuriate in that light of truth and joy.

The blind intensify another sense to compensate for their lack of vision. Their example teaches us to focus on increasing our strengths instead of our weaknesses. 

Taking some time to strengthen your weak points is admirable, but not when you can use your special gift for a higher purpose. 

Follow your natural instinct to hone and use your greatest talents. . . like the blind do. You’ll feel more fulfilled, and your soul will be more energized.

We’re becoming a society where things easier or less time consuming are seen as good: Fast food, on line shopping, prepackaged meals, even driving one block to visit a neighbor instead of walking. By taking the fastest or easiest path, we might think we’re better off, but often this is furthest from the truth. 

By sometimes doing what is NOT the easiest way and taking on something more difficult gives you a wonderful sense of accomplishment and joy. You feel good about yourself, and life feels exciting.

Don’t always take the fast, easy way. You might find more joy in life.