People endure terrible tragedy, with many eventually passing through their dark time to a brighter day. They become more appreciative of life. How do they do it? They never forget, but they don’t let painful memories stop them from growing spiritually.

We should empathize with those going through a terrible time. They need our care and support. But when someone you care for goes through major turmoil and doesn’t move beyond their sorrow, becoming stuck in their grief instead of finding the joy in life, you need to help guide them.

The bad times ( as well as the good times ) shall pass. Tomorrow will be a better day, and you have much to contribute to it.

We come into this world incredibly self-centered. Babies think about one thing and one thing only – their own comfort. Whether hungry, tired or having a dirty diaper, their only interest is themselves.

Our purpose in living is to go from being a taker to being a giver. Making the transition from taking to giving is how we mature. It is also how we find the essence of our soul.

To maximize your productivity and longevity, keep active physically, emotionally and spiritually as much as you can.

Life is very precious, and your time here is much shorter than you think, so use it to your greatest possible advantage.

In sports, judges reward only those who come in first, second or third. In life, the Almighty rewards all who gives it their best, regardless of their situation.

Sometimes it seems like good people lose while bad guys win, but the All Powerful is all-seeing. Those who played the game of life unethically or immorally will eventually be judged, and get their just reward.

Your highest reward will come not just by doing what is right, but by doing what is right when you could easily do the opposite.

Regardless of how some people have treated you, or how you have treated them, put your feelings aside and take a moment to bless them. This simple act will change your life by bringing greater blessings to you.

If you do something wrong, you must make amends. But forgiveness from the one you offended may not come right away.

God loves you when you are aware you did wrong and act to make things right. Do that and God will be with you right away.

If you have been harmed physically, financially or even emotionally, you are justified in seeking restitution. But begrudging someone when you don’t deserve any compensation is vengeful and wrong.

A friend or associate is not required to do something for you just because you asked. It might seem indecent of them, but that’s no reason to say or do something uncivil in return. It’s a small thing in the big picture and not worth getting distraught over. You’re better than that. By keeping your self-control and dignity, you will do wonders for your soul and spirit.

Sometimes obstacles seem to get in the way of you trying to accomplish something good. Fate is not the reason for this. Should you think that, get it out of your mind.

Roadblocks may be put there by a negative energy intent on stopping what might be a defining moment for you or someone else. You can overcome that energy. Keep pursuing your goal and your healthy, positive energy will help you to finish what you started.

When greeting a mourner, most people say something like, “I’m sorry for your loss.” This is like what is in the middle of a bagel. It is cliché. They will respond with a smile and a thank you, to make you feel better for your lack of originality. So what should you say?

Your words should make them feel warm inside, so they can appreciate what they have instead of what they have lost. That’s not easy, as they are suffering and feel distressed—even if it doesn’t show.

One way to do this is to make them laugh, or at least make them smile. This will ease their anguish, as you will remind them of the joy which is found in life.

Or give them words of strength and praise, to help them accept the pain of grief. Let them understand their loss is not a personal affliction against them, and to be thankful for the life to come. That way, if they feel they are being punished, they will at least sense some justification. It will help them find acceptance, feel better about themselves, and have a quicker recovery from their mourning.

Accomplish this and you will have done a very good deed, as this will make both your spirits smile.