You already know there is beauty all around you. Yet there are times when you are in such a bad mood that you can’t see any beauty anywhere. So how can you find it during those times?

Think of a moment when you were happiest. Not just any good moment, so think. Really think! Where were you when you were the happiest in your life, and what were you doing? Remember that time, and store it away in your memory where you can retrieve it.

The next time you’re in a foul mood, take a moment to be alone. Remember that time you just thought of and focus intensely on it. Let all of your senses become part of it again. After you relive that memory, you should be in a better place emotionally and spiritually. Then you can return to, and enjoy, the beauty and the people in your life.

When we give someone a hug, we are implicitly showing we are one with them. It is a gesture expressing connection, not just physically but spiritually. A hug in a marriage is a display of a commitment lasting forever. A hug to a family member embodies a blood connection as well as a spiritual one. And a hug to a best friend implies dependability for a lifetime.

A hug brings inner warmth, both to the giver and to the receiver. Today, give at least one person a hug. This will bring a spiritual smile to both of you.

When you takes bellows to the embers of a fire, the fire can come back to life because there is still a spark to be found there.

When someone is feeling very depressed, they are embers of their spiritual fire. Be the bellows that ignites their spark..

Hopefully you wouldn’t turn your back on a family member in need. And when you help them, you wouldn’t see it as charity. You would consider it a privilege that you were able to help them overcome their situation. And if it’s your child, they won’t feel like a charity case. They will feel your love and support. You will keep their self-esteem intact.

Yet if you turn away from a needy or poor person, you have made them feel as if they have no value. You take away their dignity. This can lead them to desperation, as they might see no hope in their life. Then our world will suffer in some way, in part because of your lack of compassion.

So the next time you do something charitable for someone, make them feel like your child would feel. Not as a charity case, but as someone who senses your support and respect. When a disadvantaged person feels that you care for them in some way, you give them a reason to feel better about themselves and improve their situation. They will feel worthy, and you may have done your part in helping them to help themselves.

Even a small act of kindness from you can make our world a slightly better place. And by doing so, you will have made your contribution to that end.

Don’t become an isolationist. Years ago people went off on their own to seek spirituality. That may have worked years ago, but in today’s world filled with so much negative energy it is almost impossible to repeat that.

Be part of your community, whoever that group may consist of. As long as they are good people, this will help to anchor you, and you will be less susceptible to losing your spiritual makeup.

This doesn’t mean you should lose your individuality. Your uniqueness plays a relevant part in who you are and what you bring to others. But when you feel connected, this produces affection and a stronger positive energy. You can share in that energy with others, and it will be beneficial to achieving your spiritual objectives.

So give a hug to someone today, either physically or spiritually.

Our intrinsic nature is composed of the spiritual and the physical. Through time it is destined to change. The change in our physical composition is obvious, as it is with most living things. We can see and feel these altered states, not just with our eyes, but with our spirit and our soul.

There are times when we feel strong internally, knowing we can fight any battle that comes before us. There are also times when we feel weak and vulnerable, feeling as if our energy has abandoned us. It is at times like these when we must realize our lives, all life, is in a constant state of flux. Our emotions and spirituality can rise and drop like a roller coaster..

Therefore we mustn’t disregard our physical being, as this is where our soul makes its home, and we are worse off when we live in a home which is in disrepair. Eat right, exercise to some degree, stay away from areas and people which are harmful to your body. This will help to bring a more constant and positive energy to your body, which will eventually migrate to your soul and your spirit. Doesn’t that sound like how you want to feel?

Letting others hear the music in your soul is a wonderful and gracious act on your part. But first you should help them to hear the music in their own soul. When that happens they can be part of a glorious harmony existing in our world, with all of us singing spiritually together.

People often judge the wealthy by the material things they have invested in and acquired. Yet the most valuable acquisitions, those which require the biggest investment of your time, energy and effort, are your genuine friends. They contribute the most to your well-being. They are the ones who make you truly rich.

To have a strong and meaningful relationship with someone, you don’t always have to be on the same page. Just be reading from the same book.